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Thursday, November 3, 2011

A little Story About Lenis!!!

I am 27 years old. I am from Colombia. I have been living for three years in USA. I came as an Au pair which is an cultural exchange but after two years I changed my visa for a student visa. I enrolled in MCTC almost two years ago. This semester I am taking 4 classes and one of them is Reading 0052. I love this class because I enjoy a lot reading. The topics that we read in this class are mostly about globalization. Those essays made me change a lot my point of view about Globalization. I love my life here but also I miss my life in Colombia too. 

After I came to United States. I figure out that this country can give me the opportunity to access different things that I did not have before. I am the oldest in my family and after my mom died 6 years ago I took her place and I forgot what were my priorities. I had been always wanted to be a scientist  or something like that but after that event it was impossible to start my education in the university. I was at home for about 3 years then I got the opportunity to came here. I had never though to live here because I did not like USA too much but after being living here for almost 3 years I love this country. Something that I remember by the time that I was getting everything ready to come here was the idea that some people in my country has about Americans. They are wrong because Americans rather that be selfish are nice people. I love the people who I live with. They are the best in the whole world. I love my job too.

Probably 3 weeks after I got here. I started taking some English class in an elementary schools during nights. This school was kind of far from my home so I had to take to buses in order to get there. One night I took the wrong and I did not notice after 30 minutes. I got up the bus and I started walking and walking without any orientation because I did not know how was the order that the streets have here. I was really frustrated. I could not call my family because the phone was dead. After a while I started walking in the other direction after 40 minutes walking. Suddenly I noticed that the playground that we often went with the kids was right in front of me. I was super happy because I knew where was my house. When I arrived at my house the police was there because my family were scared thinking that something bad was happening to me. Thanks God everything was fine.  

Live in a foreign country is not easy at all, but the most important is the way that you look up your new life. In the beginning it was really hard for me because my English was really bad so which made my life hard but after a while it was really good. I feel that school helps a lot in my progress with my English skills. My next goal is to be a nurse.


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